
Meal Plans NZ

Unrivalled Innovative Personal Training And Customised Meal Plans In NZ.

At Fitness Sci-Tec, my goal is to help you develop a new, professional level of coaching backed by industry-specific education, skillsets, and expertise. What separates my service at Fitness Sci-Tec from other trainers is my personal touch. I care about my clients and account for their individual experiences and backgrounds, providing them with sustainable, realistic, affordable, evidence-based exercise and optimum nutrition programmes catered to their specific goals and needs.


Weight Loss Meal Plan In NZ

Food choice is personal and can vary with each individual from all walks of life. At Fitness Sci-Tec, I design meal/nutrition plans to represent your favourite foods and provide you with the freedom to choose your meals and, most importantly, accommodate meals out, travel, and unexpected events. Using my leading online health and fitness calorie tracker system, I can make specific nutritional calculations to give you a reliable guideline that keeps you on track without stopping you from enjoying your daily life.


Join The Movement

No matter your reasons for landing on this website, rest assured that you’re in good hands and are about to join a community of devoted, inspiring enthusiasts who are ready to change the script and start living a better, fitter, and healthier life.

  • Realistic goal setting

  • Personalized exercise & nutrition programmes

  • Reliable products & services

  • Zero judgement zone

  • Sustainable results

Meal Plans NZ

Who are we?

Motekiai Tangi and Isabel ‘Olosoni (@thetitaniumwoman) have come together and created Fitness Sci Tec to help those who are going through, what they have been through; such as fad diets. For example: keto, intermittent fasting, herbal life, arbornne, carnivore, water fasting, zero carbs, opti-slim and many more. They both have done challeges to lose weight which worked out for the weeks allocated as they were restricting themselves to win the prize. However, when the challenges finished, they would go straight back to their old eating habits and eventually gained all the weight lost through the challenge within a short amount of time. Several years ago, Motekiai weighed 195kgs and Isabel weighed 148kgs which affected both their life, mentally and physically. They both found similatrities in behviours such as hiding how big they were in oversized clothes, emotional eating (also known as comfort eating), not wanting to be in family photos, staying in at home instead of going out, not fitting into airplane seats, feeling umfortable in public and just missing out in life oppuritunties in general. This led them both to change their life. Motekiai and Isabel have collectively lost 120kg. They’ve maintained their weight loss, not only from exercising regularly but also from having good nutrition.

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Programmes & services

I offer exercise and menu planning programmes along with all the education and support you need to introduce healthier habits to your lifestyle.

Exercise program

Suitable for the gym, home or both.

Meal planning & healthy recipes

Based on your lifestyle and tastebuds, I’ll cover your meal planning so you can turn to an every day healthy meal planner for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I will create for you a menu plan full of easy, tasty recipes. Once you’re a whiz at roast chicken drumsticks, you won’t even miss junk food.

Food shopping list

Closely related to your meal plan, I’ll create a budget-friendly, waste-free food shopping list so you get enough proteins and vegetables in all of your meals. Think of me as your bespoke cheap eats cookbook.

Daily progress monitoring

I will help you stay motivated and accountable every step of the way.

Instructive exercise videos

These will help you improve your technique, enhance performance, & reduce injury risk.

Online fitness testing

Using my calorie calculator and other helpful resources.

Fitness pre-screen and medical check

Your current health will be a critical determinant of what meal and exercise routine I prescribe to you.

Weight loss action plan

Let us work together to introduce healthy habits to your life.

Access to health and fitness tracking tools

I use reliable, evidence-based sources that will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to stay on track, including:

  • Estimated body composition (fat-free/fat mass, current vs. desired body fat percentage, and waist to hip ratio)
  • Full body girth measurements
  • Estimated 1RM testing
  • Estimated metabolic rate
  • And more!

Free calorie calculator and recommendations based on your fitness goals

The calorie calculator will help you work out how much exercise and what recipes you should choose each day depending on your goals.


“I feel more active and healthier since losing 50kg! And since jumping on with Fitness Sci Tec, I’ve managed to lose 7kg of my holiday weight with a balanced diet and a great workout regime!”

148kg-98kg Isabel ‘Olosoni

Mary lost 4kg of actual body fat, that is the equivalent of 8 blocks of Anchor butter.

Lost 4kgs of body fat & gained 4.5kgs of muscle Mary Fuavao

“Weighing 195kgs made me feel anxious, unfit, and uncomfortable especially being out in public. Today I am 115kgs and I am able to maintain my results.”

195kgs - 115kgs & 5XL - 1XL Motekiai Tangi

“To be honest, I feel more confident, energized and happy with my life.”

130 - 108 kgs & 4XL to XL Lisinia Fifita

“Being overweight made me feel ashamed of my body. I wanted to hide from the world. But then I woke up one morning and decided to do something about my weight, and reached out to Mote for help and have never looked back since.”

200kgs - 165kgs & 6XL to 3XL Lucy Tangi



Programmes designed by whānau for whānau